Petani Gurem Meledak, Lahan Pertanian RI Hilang Ditelan Bumi

Foto: Ilustrasi lahan pertanian (CNBC Indonesia/Muhammad Sabki/File Foto)

Pemerintah mencatat luas lahan pertanian di Indonesia hilang sekitar 100 ribu hektare per tahun. Akibatnya jumlah petani gurem pun meledak, dan ketahanan pangan RI terancam.

Direktur Jenderal Bina Pembangunan Daerah Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Restuardy Daud mengatakan isu alih fungsi lahan masih terus terjadi dari waktu ke waktu. Dia mengatakan hilangnya sawah-sawah di Indonesia ini perlu menjadi perhatian bersama karena berkaitan dengan ketahanan pangan di RI.

“Isu alih fungsi lahan yang masih cenderung terjadi dari waktu ke waktu, ini jadi PR kita untuk memperbaiki derajat ketahanan pangan kita secara nasional,” kata Daud dalam acara Gerakan Nasional Pengendalian Inflasi Pangan (GNPIP) Wilayah Jawa, Rabu, (14/8/2024).

Berdasarkan bahan paparan Daud, pemerintah mencatat alih fungsi lahan terjadi mencapai sekitar 100 ribu hektare per tahunnya. Pada 2014 luas lahan pertanian di seluruh Indonesia masih sebanyak 8,11 juta hektare. Namun, jumlah itu menyusut menjadi 7,11 juta hektare pada 2018. Jumlah itu hanya meningkat sedikit pada 2019 menjadi 7,46 juta hektare.

Daud mengatakan pemerintah daerah dituntut untuk mengawasi terkait masifnya alih fungsi lahan pertanian ini. Dia mengatakan sebagian wilayah sudah membuat peraturan daerah tentang Lahan Sawah yang Dilindungi (LSD). Namun, masih banyak yang belum.

“Beberapa daerah ada yang belum punya ini, sehingga kita sama-sama bisa mendorong intensifikasi dan ekstensifikasi untuk produksi beras,” kata dia.

Berkurangnya lahan pertanian di Indonesia ini terkonfirmasi dengan meledaknya jumlah petani gurem. Sensus pertanian yang dilakukan Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat jumlah petani gurem meningkat 21% dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Petani gurem adalah mereka yang memiliki luas lahan pertanian kurang dari 0,5 hektare.

Provinsi Jawa Timur mencatat jumlah tertinggi dengan 4,55 juta petani gurem, diikuti oleh Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat yang masing-masing memiliki 3,53 juta dan 2,62 juta petani gurem.

Tingginya jumlah petani gurem ini menunjukkan bahwa banyak petani di Indonesia masih berjuang dengan keterbatasan lahan, yang berdampak langsung pada produktivitas dan kesejahteraan mereka.

Data BPS tahun 2021 menyebut alih fungsi lahan sawah nasional bervariasi antara 60.000-80.000 hektar hektar per tahun. Jika indeks panen padi yang beralih fungsi antara 2,5-3% dengan produktivitas rata-rata 6 ton Gabah Kering Giling atau GKG/hektare, maka dalam lima tahun lahan sawah yang beralih fungsi antara 300.000-400.000 hektar dengan kehilangan hasil padi mencapai 1,8 juta ton-2.4 juta ton GKG.

Harga Emas Antam Gak Kemana-mana, Tetap di Rp1.419.000/gram

Foto: Karyawati menunjukkan emas PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. (Antam) di salah satu gallery penjualan emas di Jakarta, Selasa (16/7/2024). (CNBC Indonesia/Muhammad Sabki)

Harga emas Logam Mulia produksi PT Aneka Tambang Tbk pada Rabu (14/8/2024) di butik emas LM Graha Dipta Pulo Gadung tercatat stagnan di Rp1.419.000.

Begitu juga dengan harga buyback (harga yang digunakan ketika menjual emas kembali) berada di posisi Rp1.268.000 per gram.

Harga emas Antam (Rp/gram)

Harga produsen AS meningkat kurang dari yang diharapkan pada bulan Juli, yang menunjukkan bahwa inflasi terus melambat sehingga membuat harga emas mampu bertahan di level harga yang tinggi.

Para pelaku pasar kini menantikan data indeks harga konsumen (IHK) AS Juli yang akan dirilis pada Rabu malam (14/8/2024) dan data penjualan eceran pada Kamis (15/8/2024) untuk arahan lebih lanjut mengenai langkah kebijakan bank sentral AS berikutnya.

“Meskipun terjadi aksi ambil untung baru-baru ini, ketegangan geopolitik yang masih berlangsung, dan volatilitas pasar baru-baru ini, beserta dengan pemangkasan suku bunga yang diantisipasi, terus mendorong investor beralih ke aset yang aman,” kata Alex Ebkarian, kepala operasi di Allegiance Gold.

“Data inflasi AS yang akan dirilis besok dapat meningkatkan ekspektasi lagi, yang dapat memberikan dorongan lebih lanjut bagi harga emas. Oleh karena itu, rekor tertinggi baru hanya masalah waktu,” kata Commerzbank dalam sebuah catatan.

Para pedagang memperkirakan sekitar 54% kemungkinan pemangkasan suku bunga Fed sebesar 50 basis poin pada bulan September, menurut alat FedWatch milik CME Group. Daya tarik emas batangan cenderung bersinar saat suku bunga rendah.

Israel should end its occupation in Palestine: Foreign Minister

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi urged Israel to immediately end its illegal occupation in Palestine territories, following the historic legal resolution issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday (July 19).

Based on the ICJ resolution, Indonesia emphasized that Israel must end the construction of illegal settlements and evacuate all Jewish inhabitants as soon as possible.

Israel is also responsible for reparations in the form of restitution and compensation, including returning land taken since 1967 and allowing all Palestinians who were expelled from their homes to return.

“In line with the legal resolution, Indonesia urges the General Assembly and the UN Security Council to fulfill the Court’s request to take appropriate steps to end Israel’s illegal presence in Palestine,” Marsudi stated in a written statement from her office on Sunday.

In this legal resolution, the Court has enforced rules based international orders by determining the illegal status of Israel’s presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

“Therefore, Indonesia supports the Court’s view that all countries and the UN do not recognize the situation resulting from Israel’s illegal existence,” she added.

The Court’s stipulation of a legal resolution is considered as the first step towards realizing complete Palestinian independence.

“This legal resolution shows that international law sides with the struggle of the Palestinian people,” the minister remarked.

In fact, Israel is still an occupying power in the occupied Palestinian territory along with their ongoing violations, according to the ICJ.

Marsudi mentioned that Palestinians, especially those in Gaza, are still the target of Israeli military attacks.

“Indonesia once again calls on Israel to take responsibility as an occupying power to fulfill the basic rights of Palestinians living in the occupied Palestinian territories, in line with the decision of the Court’s legal resolution,” she emphasized.

In parallel, Indonesia will invite the international community and the UN to jointly follow up on the legal resolution and give recognition of the existence of the State of Palestine.

Jokowi invites Papuans to support National Immunization Week

 President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), on Tuesday, called on people in Papua to participate in making the 2024 National Immunization Week (PIN) a success.

During a visit to an integrated health post in Jayapura District, Papua Province, the president remarked that all toddlers and children in Papua should get a dose of polio vaccine during PIN, which has entered its second phase.

He then reminded residents of the danger presented by the polio virus to the nation’s future generations.

“Toddlers and children who are not immunized are susceptible to paralysis because the polio virus might continuously attack their central nervous systems,” he underlined while adding that the disease is highly infectious.

On that note, Jokowi affirmed that the government would continue to encourage all citizens, particularly those residing in Papua, to get their children a dose of the polio vaccine four times.

The head of state remarked that his administration had been striving to intensify polio vaccination in the wake of a worldwide increase in cases of the viral disease.

“We are pushing local health offices to boost the rate of polio vaccination in their regions,” he pointed out.

Jokowi then urged the Ministry of Health and all regional health offices across Indonesia to take quick steps to protect the country’s children from the paralyzing disease.

“I want all health offices at the provincial, district, and municipal levels to exert even greater efforts to encourage parents to get their children vaccinated in order to prevent paralysis,” he remarked.

First Lady Iriana, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, and Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian accompanied President Jokowi on the visit to mark the 40th National Children’s Day.

Carbon tax implementation to be divided into two phases: Government

The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs highlighted two phases in implementing the carbon tax in accordance with the road map that the government is currently preparing.

“The initial phase of the carbon tax road map is proposed to only regulate the implementation of the carbon tax in the power plant subsector,” the ministry’s Deputy III for the Development of State-Owned Enterprises, Research, and Innovation, Elen Setiadi, noted.

Setiadi made the statement during the Carbon Trading and Exchange in Indonesia 2024 webinar in Jakarta on Tuesday.

For the second phase, he explained that the carbon tax will also be imposed on the transportation subsector that uses fossil fuels.

“The imposition (of carbon tax) on these two sectors is expected to cover around 71 percent of emissions in the energy sector, namely 48 percent from power plants and 23 percent from transportation or around 39 percent of Indonesia’s total emissions,” he remarked.

According to Setiadi, implementing the green economy in the long term can stabilize Indonesia’s economic growth at an average of 6.2 percent until 2045.

In addition, the transition to a green economy is also deemed able to reduce emissions by 86 million tons of CO2 equivalent and create 4.4 million new jobs.

“Government’s efforts will lead to better results with support from the private sector, academicians, the civil society, and the media,” he affirmed.

On September 26, 2023, the Indonesian government inaugurated the Indonesia Carbon Exchange (IDXCarbon) as a strategy to achieve the target of net zero emissions.

The value of carbon transactions facilitated by the IDXCarbon has hit Rp36.7 billion (US$2.2 million) during the period from its inception on September 26 last year to June 30, 2024. The total transaction volume has reached 608 thousand tons of CO2 equivalent.

Jokowi expresses optimism about improvement in stunting prevention

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in Sentani, Papua, on Tuesday, expressed optimism about continued improvement in efforts to prevent stunting among children.

On the occasion, the President and First Lady Iriana, along with some ministers, including Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, visited a local integrated health post (posyandu) to check the stunting prevention efforts carried out there.

The head of state highlighted that efforts to tackle stunting in the country began a decade back, and now, it has yielded some results.

“Initially, the prevalence of stunting was at 37 percent, and now, it has dropped drastically to 21 percent,” he remarked.

However, Jokowi pointed out that efforts to reduce the prevalence of stunting from 21 percent to the national target of 14 percent are rather slow, so the cooperation of all parties, including the people, is needed.

“The target in reducing the stunting rate from 21 percent to 14 percent is not as fast as before because stunting is not only related to food (availability) but more about the nutrition,” he remarked.

He explained that stunting is closely related to the provision of nutritious food, the existence of sanitation facilities, a proper living environment, and clean water.

“To prevent stunting, the cooperation of all parties, including (members of) the community, who need to apply clean lifestyle, is deemed necessary,” he stated.

He stressed that living a healthy lifestyle, such as consuming nutritious food, having clean sanitation facilities and living environment, and access to clean water, can prevent stunting as early as possible.

“We know that the (stunting rate) decline, which was previously significant, is now slower, but we are striving to reach even below 14 percent,” he stated.

Meanwhile, First Lady Iriana called on parents to increase the intake of nutritious food in their children to prevent stunting.

Tourism destinations near Nusantara prepared ahead of Aug 17 ceremony

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno stated that several tourist attractions have been prepared around the new capital city Nusantara to welcome the 79th Independence Day anniversary commemoration ceremony on August 17, 2024.

Speaking on the sidelines of the Wonderful Indonesia Co-Branding Forum II on Friday, Uno stated that his ministry had developed Derawan Island in Berau District, East Kalimantan, as a primary destination. Renowned for its underwater panoramas and coral reefs, Derawan Island is a highlight.

Additionally, the ministry has prepared Maratua Island in Berau District, offering visitors the allure of vibrant marine life and pristine white sandy beaches.

“We have prepared destinations ranging from Derawan Island to Maratua, as well as tourism villages around Nusantara,” he said.

In addition to preparing tourist destinations, Uno noted that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has prepared micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to showcase their products at the MSME Gallery at the Sumbu Kebangsaan area in Nusantara’s Central Government Area (KIPP).

The gallery will showcase products from various subsectors, such as food, craft, music, film, intellectual property, and furniture products.

Uno expressed readiness to follow President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi’s) plan to relocate his office to the New Capital Nusantara (IKN) on July 28, 2024.

The minister remarked that the government will soon hold the first cabinet meeting in Nusantara in the next few weeks.

The 79th Independence Day anniversary commemoration ceremony on August 17 will take place in the new national capital Nusantara in East Kalimantan and the Presidential Palace in Jakarta.

The ceremony in Nusantara will be led directly by President Jokowi, while the Independence Day anniversary commemoration in Jakarta will be led by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.

Tourism destinations near Nusantara prepared ahead of Aug 17 ceremony

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno stated that several tourist attractions have been prepared around the new capital city Nusantara to welcome the 79th Independence Day anniversary commemoration ceremony on August 17, 2024.

Speaking on the sidelines of the Wonderful Indonesia Co-Branding Forum II on Friday, Uno stated that his ministry had developed Derawan Island in Berau District, East Kalimantan, as a primary destination. Renowned for its underwater panoramas and coral reefs, Derawan Island is a highlight.

Additionally, the ministry has prepared Maratua Island in Berau District, offering visitors the allure of vibrant marine life and pristine white sandy beaches.

“We have prepared destinations ranging from Derawan Island to Maratua, as well as tourism villages around Nusantara,” he said.

In addition to preparing tourist destinations, Uno noted that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has prepared micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to showcase their products at the MSME Gallery at the Sumbu Kebangsaan area in Nusantara’s Central Government Area (KIPP).

The gallery will showcase products from various subsectors, such as food, craft, music, film, intellectual property, and furniture products.

Uno expressed readiness to follow President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi’s) plan to relocate his office to the New Capital Nusantara (IKN) on July 28, 2024.

The minister remarked that the government will soon hold the first cabinet meeting in Nusantara in the next few weeks.

The 79th Independence Day anniversary commemoration ceremony on August 17 will take place in the new national capital Nusantara in East Kalimantan and the Presidential Palace in Jakarta.

The ceremony in Nusantara will be led directly by President Jokowi, while the Independence Day anniversary commemoration in Jakarta will be led by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.

Eight Natuna fishermen recently nabbed by Malaysia return home

Indonesia’s Maritime and Security Agency (Bakamla) has officially handed over eight fishermen the Malaysian authorities arrested last April to the Natuna district government, Riau Islands Province.

The handover of the freed fishermen was marked by a signing ceremony, held on Bakamla’s KN Tanjung Datu 301 patrol ship docking at Selat Lampa Port on Natuna Besar Island on Sunday morning.

The KN Tanjung Datu 301 commanding officer, Rudi Endratmoko, said the eight fishermen are the residents of Subi and Pulau Tiga Subdistricts, Natuna Island District.

Bakamla received the handover of the Natuna fishermen from the Malaysian authorities in the Indonesia-Malaysia maritime boundary line of Tanjung Datu waters on Saturday (Aug. 10) morning, he said.

On Saturday evening, they had been reunited with their families, according to the Natuna fisheries office head, Hadi Suryanto.

The Malaysian maritime security authorities nabbed the fishermen for allegedly trespassing their territorial waters in April this year.

They could have been freed after the Malaysian court issued its ruling, Suryanto said.

As reported earlier, Indonesia’s traditional fishermen had repeatedly been arrested in Malaysia, Thailand, and even India over the past few years.

On April 9, 2021, for instance, Thai authorities detained 34 Acehnese fishermen over poaching in the country’s waters.

The Acehnese fishermen’s fishing vessel was intercepted by the Royal Thai naval vessel on its way back to East Aceh District through Thailand’s sea route after catching fish.

In early 2020, Thai authorities also detained 30 Acehnese fishermen and three children after they were caught poaching in Thailand’s waters.

Thereafter, in February 2020, at least 21 fishermen and three children were caught poaching in the country’s waters.

The six children were repatriated to Indonesia on July 16, 2020.

Early, in October 2020, the Indonesian Traditional Fishermen Association (KNTI) confirmed that 51 Aceh fishermen had returned to Indonesia after being granted a royal pardon from Thailand’s King Maha Vajiralongkorn on his birthday on July 28, 2020.

The fishermen had received the pardon owing to efforts by the Indonesian Foreign Ministry through the Indonesian Consulate General in Songkla.

On March 3, 2020, 12 Acehnese fishermen were also detained by the Indian Navy in the waters off Nicobar Island in the eastern Indian Ocean for poaching.

IKN development becomes foundation towards an advanced Indonesia

The Ministry of Communications and Informatics said the development of Nusantara Capital City (IKN) is one of the foundations built by the government towards a more advanced Indonesia.

The Director General of Public Information and Communication of the ministry Usman Kansong made the statement, which is in line with the theme of the 79th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, “New Archipelago, Advanced Indonesia.”

“IKN will lead Indonesia to progress. We should thank President Joko Widodo for laying the foundation for Indonesia to progress,” he said in his official statement, Sunday.

The director general said that the development of the IKN is one of efforts to equalize development and the economy in Indonesia.

He said there are four goals for moving the capital to the archipelago.

The first is to create a new center of economic growth. The second is to create a smart city through the implementation of a sustainable and inclusive smart forest city.

The third is to form a more efficient work culture and bureaucracy.

The last is to be a symbol of Indonesian pride because the National Palace and Garuda Palace in the archipelago were built entirely by the Indonesian people.

Director of Information and Communication for the Economy and Maritime Affairs of the ministry Septriana Tangkary added that as a smart forest city, IKN will be built into an environmentally friendly smart city.

“IKN will provide various urban components that will guarantee a good quality of life for the community, such as clean water and air, orderly city planning, good accessibility, and safe and comfortable urban conditions,” he said.

Meanwhile, this year’s Indonesian Independence Day ceremony is the first ceremony to be held in the IKN.

The 79th anniversary ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia will be held at the National Palace overlooking the field in the IKN area, in Penajem Paser Utara District, East Kalimantan Province.

President Joko Widodo and invited guests consisting of community leaders, traditional leaders, and ambassadors from friendly countries are scheduled to attend the Red and White flag-raising ceremony to commemorate Indonesia’s independence day in the IKN.